Our Partners
Detroit Zoological Society
In 1999, the Detroit Zoological Society (DZS) volunteered to be the official CONAPAC Adopt-A-School sponsor in the United States. Not only does the DZS collect funding from all over the world to make the program possible, at no administrative cost to CONAPAC, it also provides a volunteer program to help deliver school supplies to the villages. The Amazon Rainforest Adopt-A-School Program could not function without the tireless organizing, promoting, and marketing of the DZS staff. The DZS is also an important donor to CONAPAC’s programs, providing funds for books, teacher workshops, project oversight, and a boat for village visits.
Explorama Lodges
CONAPAC was founded in 1990 by Explorama Lodges in order to purchase and protect primary rainforest and build the Canopy Walkway. In 1993, Pam Bucur, Frances Gatz, and Lee Peavy came up with the idea of the CONAPAC Adopt-A-School Program, prodded by a generous and enthusiastic group of teachers trying to find a way to bring school supplies to children of the rainforest. Since then, as CONAPAC has evolved, Explorama has been supportive every step of the way. Protecting and preserving the rainforest for the people who live here, and for the world, is a top priority for both CONAPAC and Explorama.
Full list of amazing partners below.
Our Flagship Partners
With us from the beginning and a part of our founding, we couldn’t do anything without our flagship partners below. Continue to scroll down to see our complete list of amazing partners.