What’s happening in July

In this July 2024 issue we share what's going on in our partner schools and communities

Did you know that every child, teacher, and school in our partner communities receives school supplies at the start of the academic school year through our ADOPT-A-SCHOOL program?

For more than 30 years, CONAPAC has supported communities that agree to use their forest resources sustainably. Currently, 50 rural communities along the Amazon and Napo Rivers receive our support. This year, we delivered nearly 2400 individual packets to every student and teacher in our partner communities.

You can make a difference by donating to this program or others through our donate link below. All donations are received by our partners at the Detroit Zoological Society, and 100% of the donations are transferred to us, ensuring that your contribution goes directly to the cause!

Earlier this month, July 6, was Peruvian Teachers Day. The more than 250 teachers and assistants in our CONAPAC partner communities are so very important, and we appreciate and celebrate their work in rural Peruvian Amazonia. ¡Feliz Día del Profesor!

Also this month was School Achievement Day, Día del Logro. It is an opportunity for students to demonstrate the knowledge they've gained to their parents and their community. Morpho Institute's Educator Academy experienced this first-hand when they visited San Pedro de Mangua on July 9. The Academy is a chance for teaching professionals from the US and Canada to learn from research scientists on various science inquiry topics and techniques. In San Pedro de Mangua, students became the teachers for the day. Topics such as birds and the complex relationship between trees and insects were demonstrated through oration and action. 

Señor Nelson of the partner community of Auca Cocha planted a citrus tree that his community will harvest from in a few years. All of the trees (over 40,000!) in our fruit tree initiative represent hope for every family, school, and community.

Our agroforestry program is successful because of our collective work with agronomists Ing. Pedro Paucarcaja and Vivero de especies Nativas "Mi Amazonas"—Loreto. Pedro grows all of the tree saplings and teaches our capacity workshops to ensure beneficiaries are equipped with the skills to care for these growing fruit trees. During our planting weeks, Pedro is there to make sure trees are planted appropriately. Many thanks, Pedro! We are so happy to work with you to benefit our partner communities!

You can help us support fruit tree growers by giving to our Sustainable Development Program through our donation page.

In clean water news, CONAPAC has built two water filtration towers so far this year, in the community of Capironal on the Amazon in March, inaugurated during this year's Adopt-A-School deliveries, and in the community of Canadá on the Napo this month. Both communities participated in the construction of these water systems and in CONAPAC water education workshops.

Want to donate?

We have several long-time donors and partner organizations who work tirelessly for CONAPAC; with you, we can do so much for our communities.

Our work is only possible with the many other donations, big and small, that we receive throughout the year.


Teacher Workshops 2024 a big success!


Adopt-A-School 2024